Tecmotor reimburses you the price difference

What are the conditions to be respected?

You have ten days after your purchase on Tecmotor.fr to see a cheaper price.

For your refund request to be validated, you must compare your purchase with a product of the same brand and reference, available in store or on a website, in mainland France and marketed under the same service conditions.

How to proceed ?

To register your refund request, concerning the difference in price noted, contact us using this form , within 10 days of your purchase.

Once registered, the information concerning your request will be immediately transmitted to the sales department.

You can also send your request by mail. If you have a photo, a quote or an invoice attesting to the price seen by the competition, it is recommended to send it as an attachment.

Once your request has been validated, Tecmotor.fr will reimburse you the difference by crediting your payment card, within 10 working days after acceptance of your request.

In which cases does the refund of the difference not apply?

The provisions do not apply to products sold as is, nor to products including discounts (sales, flash sales, etc.).

The prices observed on products sold during private sales (one-off or specialized sites), on an auction site, resale site or on a marketplace will not be subject to reimbursement.

Only sites whose head office is located in mainland France will be taken into account.