Legal notices of the site

Right to retract
Respect for your privacy
Payment and Security
Legal notices of our website

During the COVID-19 epidemic

Delivery times are not guaranteed and may be considerably extended without entitlement to compensation for the benefit of the customer.


TECMOTOR.FR is published by TECMOTOR SAS with capital of €1000 SIRET: 79515622300013 RCS number 795156223 Bourg en Bresse
APE code 4690Z VAT FR61795156223 EORI FR79515622300013

Publication director: Josette MIETTAUX


368 rue de Genève

01800 Villieu (France)

Telephone (33) 04 82 53 98 43



This site is hosted by Altinea SARL SIRET 83273940300018 registered with the RCS of Lons le saunier

9 rue du Faubourg

39570 Nogna (France)


You will be delivered in 1 to 5 working days by carrier depending on the option chosen when ordering.
In the event of an abnormally long expected delay, we will notify you by email as soon as possible.

When shipping, you will receive a package tracking link that you must consult if you have not received delivery after 5 days in order to avoid having to return the package at your expense. Any return of a package not collected by a customer is subject to round-trip transport costs payable by the customer at the current Chronopost rate.

If the customer refuses an undamaged delivery after changing his mind, reimbursement subject to agreement by TECMOTOR.FR will be made when the goods have been received by TECMOTOR.FR in perfect condition. In this case, outward and return shipping costs will be deducted from the reimbursement on the basis of the official Chronopost rate current on that date regardless of the delivery method used and also for deliveries for which shipping was offered by TECMOTOR.FR. For goods subject to customs fees: customs fees will be deducted from the refund.

Unless otherwise stipulated, delivery is deemed to have been made upon physical delivery of the products to the buyer or his agent, whether made at our premises, at the buyer's premises or at any other location indicated by him.

Upon delivery, packages must be unpacked for inspection; in the event of damage, delivery must be refused. Any complaints that the buyer may make upon delivery must be subject to written reservations on the delivery note, any subsequent complaints will not be admissible, no reimbursement can be made if delivery has been accepted .

Reservations must relate to the product itself (not the packaging) otherwise they will not be taken into account by the carrier.

If the customer is absent during delivery, the package is left at the post office closest to his home or at the carrier's relay point depending on the mode of transport chosen when ordering, where he can collect it within 9 (nine ) calendar days, upon presentation of the delivery notice deposited by the post office or the carrier in their mailbox.

At the end of this period, the post office or the carrier returns the unclaimed packages to TECMOTOR.FR. If a package is thus returned to TECMOTOR.FR for a reason such as "unclaimed" or "does not live at the address indicated", the Company informs the customer concerned by email or telephone; in this case, the package will be reshipped to the customer after agreement and payment by him of the corresponding costs.
This message will indicate the procedure to follow to pay these shipping costs.
If these reshipping costs remain unpaid, or if the package returned again to the customer after payment of these costs is not claimed and this package is returned to TECMOTOR.FR a second time by post or carrier, it will be kept by TECMOTOR.FR for sixty (60) days. At the end of this period, TECMOTOR.FR may destroy the items thus stored, without notice or formal notice. This destruction does not give rise to any right to reimbursement, exchange or compensation.

Deliveries to relay points:

The customer must collect their order during the retention period of the relay points which is 9 calendar days. If the package is not recovered within the holding period it will be returned to TECMOTOR.FR this return giving no right to reimbursement for canceled order, an order can only be canceled after delivery to the customer (within the legal deadline in force). If the customer was not able to collect his order on time, he is invited to contact us so that we can inform him of the procedure for obtaining a new delivery. Round trip costs are based on the Chronopost rate in effect during transport. A package tracking link is sent to the customer during shipping so that the package can be collected within the allotted time.

Late delivery:

In accordance with article L.114-1 of the Consumer Code, in the event of a delivery delay of more than seven (7) days, with regard to the announced delivery deadline, the customer has the possibility of canceling his order by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within sixty (60) working days, from the date indicated for delivery of the product.

Deliveries in the French Overseas Territories or outside the EEC:

The additional transport cost generated by these destinations is automatically calculated when ordering

The amount of your order will be calculated excluding taxes on your invoice and on your order. In this case, your order may be subject to customs duties and possible taxes which are imposed when the package reaches its destination. The latter, linked to the delivery of an item, are your responsibility and are your responsibility. TECMOTOR.FR is not required to verify and inform its customers of applicable customs duties and taxes. To find out about them, it is up to you to contact the competent authorities of the country of delivery.

TECMOTOR.FR cannot be held responsible for customs clearance times.

Right to retract

The customer has 15 working days to change their mind and request a product return from the date of delivery of the order.

Product Return Formalities

1 – Product return procedure:

We particularly inform you that the right of withdrawal as provided for by law does not oblige us to take back damaged, damaged or used products as well as special products: special order for a customer. asks its customers to comply with the following formalities for the return of products:

For any return request, contact us first via this link or by mail.

The customer must wait for confirmation by electronic message of acceptance of the return before returning the goods to Any return without prior written acceptance from us cannot be processed and will not be subject to a refund or exchange.

Carefully re-package the product(s) to be returned in their ORIGINAL PACKAGING in new condition.
In the case of packaging provided by the manufacturer, it must arrive intact and over-packed in another box. Damaged original manufacturer packaging can result in a significant reimbursement discount.
The return of products is the responsibility of the customer. advises its customers to return the goods in a tracked package with acknowledgment of receipt, or to take out insurance with the carrier corresponding to the value of the products (this particularly in the event of theft or loss of the goods by the carrier ). Package returns are the responsibility of the customer. A product arriving damaged or with missing elements will not be eligible for a refund or exchange.

Returns address:
368 rue de Genève
01800 Villieu France

2 - For products under warranty

All mechanical parts are guaranteed, excluding labor, against any lack of conformity of the products delivered for a period of 2 years from the date of delivery. Under this guarantee, the only obligation incumbent on the seller will be the repair of the product recognized as defective by its technical services or, where applicable, its replacement. However, in the event of unavailability of the product to be replaced, the seller undertakes to reimburse the buyer the price mentioned on the invoice, excluding any damages and interest. Certain sophisticated and complex parts, for example mechatronics, servomotors or transmission modules and as a general rule all components including electronics must be assembled and programmed by a workshop approved by the vehicle manufacturer to be able to benefit from the guarantees. legal.

Any product intended to benefit from the guarantee must first be submitted to Tecmotor after-sales service, whose agreement is essential for any replacement. Any return costs are the responsibility of the buyer. The replacement of defective products does not extend the warranty period. advises its customers to return the goods in a tracked package with acknowledgment of receipt, or to take out insurance with the carrier corresponding to the value of the products (this particularly in the event of theft or loss of the goods by the carrier ). Package returns are the responsibility of the customer. A product arriving damaged or with missing elements will not be eligible for a refund or exchange.

However, in the event of sale to consumers, during the repair of a product or an overhaul covered by the guarantee, any period of immobilization of the good of at least 7 days will be added to the duration of the guarantee which remains to run on the date of the buyer's request. The parts necessary for the repair will be supplied by Tecmotor depending on its available stocks.

The warranty is excluded:

- if the assembly, installation or repair of the product has not been carried out in accordance with the rules of the art by a qualified professional in the automotive sector, or if the buyer has not complied, the where applicable, the maintenance and use instructions set out in the maintenance and use instructions accompanying the product,

- if the malfunction results from unusual (automobile competitions) or abnormal use of the product,

- if the malfunction comes from a case of force majeure,

- if the buyer does not honor his financial commitments to the seller,

- if the buyer has resold the product to a third party.

Also excluded from this warranty:

- additional costs resulting from the fact that a defect noted following a repair was not reported in due time,

- breakdown assistance, transport, vehicle immobilization and labor costs as well as customer repatriation costs,

- expert appraisal costs when the buyer is responsible.

However, in the event of sale to consumers, the preceding provisions cannot in any way reduce or eliminate the legal guarantee against hidden defects.

Our returns department checks the returned part, and if your return is accepted, you will receive an e-mail informing you of the reshipment or reimbursement of the parts concerned. It will also specify the deadline and method of reimbursement applied to your return.

As part of a return following the right of withdrawal: your items must be returned to us under the following conditions to be taken back by

Before the expiration of 15 days from the date of receipt (except for the return of warranty, which can be carried out for two years from the date of receipt of the items)
Complete and in their original packaging intact.
In marketable condition, that is to say in perfect working order, clean, unworn, undamaged with no trace of use and in the original packaging intact.

After analyzing your return, you will receive an e-mail informing you of the reasons for its acceptance, refusal, or the possible application of a discount.

In the event of refusal, if you request it, we will return this item to your billing address.

Products ordered as a special order sourced or assembled specifically for a customer are not eligible for return, refund or exchange.

Express delivery costs are not refunded.

Terms of Sales

1 – General clause

Our sales are subject to these general conditions and imply the buyer's full and unreserved acceptance of them. They prevail over all conditions of purchase, unless formal and express waiver on our part.

2 – Order – Formation of the sales contract

Orders must be sent to us in writing at the following address: tecmotor.fr368 rue de Genève 01800 Villieu, in the form of a letter or fax. They will only be considered definitively accepted by us after written acceptance on our part.

3 – Product information

The characteristics, information, images and texts of our products appearing on the technical sheets and other commercial documents are not contractual in nature and are given for information purposes only. We reserve the right to make any modifications that we deem useful without notice.

The products sold by can only be fitted on vehicles or systems recommended by the manufacturer or equipment manufacturer, by a competent person and under their sole responsibility. cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the consequences of poor assembly or the use of an unsuitable product on a vehicle.

4 – Price – Payment conditions – Penalties

Unless otherwise expressly agreed upon when concluding the sales contract, the price of our products is determined by reference to the price published in our price lists at the time of the order. These will be communicated to the customer upon simple request from him. Prices are expressed in legal currency and stipulated taxes included. Customs duties, taxes, taxes of all kinds and transport rates that may apply to the goods sold are entirely the responsibility of the buyer.

Unless otherwise stipulated, invoices are issued on the day of shipment and payable in cash upon receipt. This will in all cases be deemed to have taken place 48 hours after the date of dispatch.

In the absence of payment on this date, the buyer will be automatically entitled, as a penalty clause and in application of legal provisions, to a penalty for late payment calculated by application, to the entire remaining amount. due, an interest rate equal to one and a half times the legal interest rate. The costs that we may incur for the recovery of late payments will be fully invoiced to the buyer and borne by him.

5 – Reservation of ownership

The transfer of ownership of the products is subject to full payment of the price in principal and accessories. Failure to pay all or part of the price may result in a claim for goods.

These provisions do not prevent the transfer to the buyer, upon delivery (as defined in article 6 below), of the risks of loss and deterioration of the products sold as well as the damage they can cause. Consequently, the customer undertakes to insure these products against any risk they may run or cause from their delivery. He must be able to provide proof of these policies at our simple request.

6 – Delivery – Transport

Unless otherwise stipulated, delivery is deemed to have been made upon physical delivery of the products to the buyer or his agent, whether made at our premises, at the buyer's premises or at any other location indicated by him.

Upon delivery, packages must be unpacked for inspection; in the event of damage, delivery must be refused. Any complaints that the buyer may make upon delivery must be subject to written reservations on the delivery note, any subsequent complaints will not be admissible, no reimbursement can be made if delivery has been accepted .

7 – Force majeure

Our obligations will be suspended in the event of force majeure.
If the situation continues for more than three months, either party will have the option to terminate the order. This termination will take effect ten days after sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt recalling this clause.

8 – Termination clause

In the event of non-performance of its obligations by one of the parties, the sales contract will automatically be terminated for the benefit of the other party without prejudice to any damages that could be claimed from the defaulting party.

The resolution will take effect fifteen days after sending a formal notice by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or extra-judicial act recalling this clause and which remains without effect.

9 – Goods received in error

In the event that the customer receives goods not ordered, it is up to him to immediately notify the seller in order to organize the return of the goods wrongly delivered.
Civil Code - Article 1376: Whoever receives by mistake or knowingly what is not due to him undertakes to return it to the person from whom he wrongly received it.

10 – Dispute resolution

Any dispute relating to our sales, even in the event of a warranty claim or multiple defendants, will, in the absence of an amicable agreement, fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the commercial court in whose jurisdiction our head office is located.

Legal notices for use of our website

Copyright and Intellectual Property: All content of the Site (illustrations, texts, wording, brands, images, videos) is the property of, its co-contractors or partners. All elements appearing on the Site are protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. Consequently, any reproduction of these, total or partial, or imitation, without the express prior written consent of the owner, is prohibited. It is strictly prohibited to collect and use the information available on the site for commercial purposes.

This prohibition extends in particular, without this list being exhaustive, to any editorial element appearing on the site, to the presentation of the screens, to the software necessary for operation, to logos, images, photos, graphics, of any nature let them be.

The brands and domain names that appear on the website are the exclusive property of, its co-contractors or partners. Any reproduction or use of these brands or domain names, in any manner and for any reason whatsoever, is prohibited.
Under these conditions, reserves the right to oppose any use, not expressly authorized, of the site and/or any of the elements composing it and/or characterizing it, including, without limitation, any reproduction and/or representation, of any nature or manner whatsoever, all protections conferred by any applicable law or regulation.

Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement involving the civil and criminal liability of the infringer (articles L 335-2 et seq. of the intellectual property code).

We remind you that the only recommendation which prevails and is the only authentic one is that presented in the maintenance manual provided by the manufacturer of your vehicle or other equipment. It is imperative to verify product recommendations with manufacturer specifications.

Technical information and recommendations are offered to buyers, users and customers, so that they can inform themselves and carry out checks. They only relate to the products and materials mentioned, when not combined with other products or materials. The user is solely responsible for choices and verifications concerning the use of the material or product, as well as the relative processes. The information and recommendations are always subject to the manufacturer's own recommendations and do not take precedence over the latter.

The information contained in this website is not exhaustive. Despite our efforts, they may not be accurate, current or applicable to the conditions of any particular case. We accept no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions on this website and any decisions you make based on the information contained in this website are your sole responsibility. accepts no liability for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or other loss or damage of any nature whatsoever as well as for the use of this website or any information contained therein. The same applies to all information provided by messaging, telephone or mail to consumers.

Photographic credit:, or its co-contractors or partners. Any reproduction is prohibited without the express written consent of or its co-contractors or partners.

Nominative data

The data collected is intended for which is responsible for the collection and is solely intended for the operation of the site.

We undertake to preserve the confidentiality of your data and not to transmit it to third parties.

In accordance with the provisions of law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 Informatique et Libertés, you have the right to access and modify personal data concerning you. To exercise this right, send your request by post to 368 rue de Genève 01800 Villieu or by logging into your customer area.

Payment and security

Online payment by credit card, how it works:

1: Place your order on our site and confirm there,
2: Enter and verify your delivery and billing addresses,
3: Select payment by Carte Bleue,
4: You are redirected to the Crédit Mutuel secure bank card payment site
5: Your purchases are confirmed to you by email to the address you indicated.

Is it really safe?

By making your payment online with Crédit Mutuell's secure bank card payment site, you are guaranteed to benefit from a completely secure online payment.
Banking data is encrypted and does not pass through our server at any time; only the Crédit Mutuel secure bank card payment system receives this information.
Once your payment has been made and validated, a message on the screen confirms that your order has been taken into account and tells you that you will soon receive several automatic confirmation emails at each stage of processing your order by tecmotor .Fr.

What if I don't want to pay by credit card?

You can pay by bank transfer (our bank details will be sent to you by email when you order). Your order will then be validated upon receipt of your payment.

Our sales department is at your disposal to guide you and help you if you need it. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Please note: fraudulent use of a person's bank card number without their consent legally constitutes an offense of fraud punishable by article 313.1 of the penal code with a penalty of 5 years' imprisonment and a fine of 382,000 euros.

How secure is my data?

Important data linked to your customer account (addresses, orders, etc.) pass encrypted between your computer and our server. When the information flow is encrypted, a small padlock is displayed (at the bottom right of your Internet browser or to the right of the address bar).

SARL capital 1000€
SIRET 79515622300013
VAT FR 61795156223
RCS number 795156223 Bourg en Bresse
APE 4690Z

Tel (33) 04 82 53 98 43